Temple University's commitment to sustainability has a profound impact on the health and quality of life of a large and diverse population within Temple and its surrounding community.

Temple University educates a vibrant student body and creates new knowledge through innovative teaching, research and other creative endeavors. Temple aspires to serve as a model for urban institutions and to burnish its national reputation for excellence and commitment to principled policy and climate action.

Temple's Office of Sustainability

The Office of Sustainability's mission is to lead the integration of sustainability into Temple University's curriculum, research, culture, building design and campus operations.

The Office of Sustainability's main objectives are:

  • To be a Climate Change Leader and execute Temple University's Climate Action Plan.
  • To develop policies that promote and support environmental best practices.
  • Create, implement and manage programs and events that advance climate action and environmental justice.
  • Establish metrics and track institutional sustainability performance.


The Office of Sustainability fosters communication, collaboration, and coordination between stakeholder in the Temple University community.  The Office of Sustainability consists of professional staff and dedicated student leaders who champion climate action inititives at Temple University and in our community.

History and Milestones

To reach its goals for sustainability, Temple University has made a commitment to examining decisions for their environmental impact. The expected outcome of these steps is the creation of a culture and expectation for environmental action at all levels.

2007: Under the direction of former President Ann Weaver Hart, a Sustainability Task Force (STF) was created to help create a culture and expectation of environmentally responsible action at all levels of Temple University. The STF was comprised of students, faculty and staff charged with, "... providing insights, counsel, and advice on current issues regarding environmental responsibility in large, urban universities; new and best-practice methods for addressing these issues, and possible actions Temple University might take toward creating and maintaining a sustainable campus environment." In October of 2007, the Sustainability Task Force completed its report: Sustainability Task Force Report to the President.

2008: In April 2008, former President Ann Weaver Hart signed the American Colleges and Universities' Presidential Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) and shortly after established Temple's Office of Sustainability under the portfolio of Finance and Administration on July 1,2008.

2009: Temple University completed its first greenhouse gas inventory, establishing a baseline year of 2006.

2010: Temple's first Climate Action Plan was published in May 2010. The Plan included input from students, faculty, and staff.

2015: Former President signed the Climate Leadership Statement

2019: Temple University publishes an updated Climate action Plan in April 2019.  

Awards and Recognition

Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS)
2015: Temple receives a bronze STARS Rating
2018: Temple receives a silver STARS Rating
2021: Temple receives a silver STARS Rating
2024: Temple receives a gold STARS Rating