Give + Go Green
Give + Go Green is Temple University’s sustainable on-campus move-out program. Students living in residence halls are invited to donate items they might otherwise send to the landfill, specifically the food and clothing that they do not wish to take with them when they move out in May. The donated food goes directly to the Barnett Irvine Cherry Pantry. Donated clothing is sorted and resold in Temple Thrift sales. All proceeds from the sales also go to the student food pantry.

Give+ Go Green is a program produced in partnership by the Office of Sustainability and University Housing and Residential Life exclusive to university-owned and operated residence halls. We cannot accept any donations from individuals living off-campus nor are we able to accept items that are not clothing or non-perishables, such as furniture. Visit here for list of places you can donate both clothing and other miscellaneous household items locally no matter where you live.