Urban Stewardship
The Office of Sustainability hosts several stewardship events each academic year to give students opportunities to foster relationships, model sustainable leadership and make our neighborhoods, public spaces, natural lands cleaner, healthier and happier places.
It is Temple’s hope and priority that students feel integrated into the rich fabric of the diverse North Philadelphia community and make a positive contribution to it as responsible stewards and good neighbors. For more on the Good Neighbor Initiative, click here.
Love Your Park Fall Service Day
The Office of Sustainability coordinates groups of students to participate in Love Your Park every November. Love Your Park–a collaboration between Fairmount Park Conservancy, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, and Philadelphia's Park Friends Network–works to support communities in activating Philadelphia’s parks and other natural areas. For Fall Service Day, Temple students join Park Friends groups near campus to clean, green, and celebrate our favorite Philly parks by collecting leaves for compost, planting trees and flower bulbs, and cleaning up after a very busy summer.

Philly Spring Cleanup
Philly Spring Cleanup is the largest citywide cleanup of the year sponsored by the City of Philadelphia’s Department of Streets. Every April, thousands of volunteers take part, cleaning their neighborhoods and parks in over 300 different projects all over the city. Grab a broom and join your fellow Temple Owls on a block near you!