The Office of Sustainability is committed to help Temple staff and faculty reduce carbon impacts at the office.

Temple University believes that integrating sustainability into office environments has the power to unite staff and faculty around climate activism. By modeling sustainable best practices, we ensure that future leaders continue to embrace systems necessary to achieve a just climate future for all.

We encourage you to utilize the existing programs and contact the Office of Sustainability with ideas to grow Green Office resources.

Recycle Your Printer and Toner Cartridges 

Temple University schools, colleges, and departments located in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania can participate in free and easy ink and toner cartridge recycling programs. Recycling your ink and toner cartridges is one way you can participate in the sustainable circular economy - a system that conserves energy, reduces air and water pollution, reduces greenhouse gases, and conserves natural resources. 

We've outlined the process below. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Office of Sustainability directly. Thanks, and happy recycling!


Temple Office Supply Swap

Temple Office Supply Swap (TOSS) is a program to promote waste minimization and reuse.

Surplus office supplies are made available for free to the Temple community. Temple University administrators, faculty, staff and students can drop off surplus office supplies or "shop" for what is needed in the Howard Gittis Student Center Suite 101 vestibule outside the Office of Sustainability. Individuals and offices that participate in the program actively contribute waste minimization goals outlined in Temple's Climate Action Plan. 

Warehouse Wednesday 

Temple Surplus program is tasked with managing the collection, re-use and re-sale of university property and assets that are no longer actively used. Send off your unwanted and unused office furniture by completing the Surplus Property Removal form on TUMarketplace. If the item is an electronic (i.e., computer, printer, television, etc.), you must complete the Computer Recycling Center (CRC)’s surplus equipment form.

Non-electronic Surplus property is available for redistribution for use by TU departments or donated to local non-profits. The items are free for departments, but you must place a work order for the transportation of the items from the warehouse to your office. Want to see what low-cost surplus items are ready to be claimed for your department? Check them out Wednesday mornings – email to sign-up and learn more about offerings.
