Logo for Green Grant - a green graduation cap with block lettering

The Office of Sustainability wants to fund your next big green idea!

Temple University’s Student Green Grant builds upon Temple University’s commitment to sustainability by funding projects led by students that focus on advancing Temple University’s sustainability mission and have a positive impact on our local environment and community. This award is given in the late fall semester for project implementation over the course of the following calendar year.

The Award

Selected applicants can receive up to $1,500. Award/s will be given every year during the fall semester. Funds may be used for:

  • Supplies and materials required to implement project
  • Research or measurement tools required for project measurement
  • Marketing materials
  • Reimbursement for guest speakers and/or consultants
  • Local travel expenses associated with project implementation via SEPTA

Funds may not be used for student wages, food and beverages, and non-SEPTA travel expenses


Applicants are required to be a recognized student organization or a registered EcoAdvocate through the Office of Sustainability’s EcoRep program. Project Leaders from the student organizations and EcoAdvocates must also be enrolled in Temple University both at the time of application submission and the following semester. Additionally, Project Leaders must have at least one semester of involvement with their student organization or as an EcoAdvocate at the time of application submission. 

Projects that involve participation or partnership from non-Temple Students (e.g. community members, local non-profits, etc.) are permitted, but projects are required to be student-led.

Project Requirements

The proposed project must address at least one component of sustainability (environmental, economic, social) as outlined in Temple University’s definition of sustainability.  Priority will be given to projects that address all three aspects of sustainability. Projects must also include an educational, community engagement, and/or outreach component.

Proposed projects should include measurable outcomes so that the project’s effectiveness can be evaluated and followed-up on in the future. Additionally, projects that require ongoing maintenance or long-term involvement should include a plan for operations after Green Grant funding allocations are spent.

Expectations of Award Recipient

  • Progress Reports: Award recipients are expected to prepare bi-monthly (every other month) progress reports reviewing the project’s milestones as outlined in the submitted timeline. These progress reports will be reviewed at meetings with the Office of Sustainability throughout the award period.
  • Case Study: Each award recipient must support the development of a case study document. The case study will be formatted and designed by the Office of Sustainability. The award recipient will be required to answer questions and submit pictures that will be used as content for the case study.  All case studies will be shared on the Office of Sustainability website and on TU Scholar Share.
  • Participation in Office of Sustainability Events: Award recipients are expected to participate in at least one presentation or demonstration of their project during an Office of Sustainability sponsored event.

Submission Guidelines

Completed applications should be submitted via email to sustainability@temple.edu by November 30. Only submissions that include the following components will be considered complete and will be eligible for the award.

  1. Application form
  2. Project Proposal
  3. Project budget
  4. Implementation Timeline

Review Process

Application deadline is November 30.  Submissions will be reviewed by staff members of the Office of Sustainability.  Applicants will be subjected to a two-step screening process.  The first round of screening with narrow down the submissions based on how well they meet the project criteria.  Applicants who pass the preliminary screening process will be asked to meet with the Office of Sustainability staff for an interview.  Applicants will be informed of their application status in mid-December.

Past Green Grant Recipients

2022-2023 Award: Sci-Design
2021-2022 Award: Engineers Without Borders
2020-2021 Award: Adventure Bound
2019-2020 Awards: Bucha Leather and Thrift and Flop
2018-2019 Award: Diamond Compost